
Minggu, 06 November 2011

Avril Lavigne Bloodied and Beaten in Fight; Brody Jenner Hit with Bottle During Scuffle

Avril Lavigne got attacked in the early hours of Sunday morning by a handful of assailants, and while trying to break up the fight, her boyfriend Brody Jenner was hit over the head with a bottle, Gossip Cop has learned.
Lavigne was assaulted around 12:30 a.m. at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood.
The singer tweeted, “I got attacked by 5 people last night out of nowhere. Not cool. My face is f**ked.”
Lavigne explained she had a “black eye, bloody nose, hair ripped out, scratches, bruises and cuts. So not ok to be abusive to others.”
And when Jenner attempted to break up the brawl, someone whacked him with a bottle.
Eventually, the fight was broken up by the hotel’s security before the participants fled the scene.
Jenner later told his side to the police, and went on his own to a hospital for treatment.
He tweeted afterwards, “Interesting Saturday night… Just got [out] of the hospital with a new scar on my face.”
While the night ended badly, Jenner had tweeted earlier in the evening, “Having the best night with the love of my life @AvrilLavigne so happy right now!”

Avril Lavigne & Brody Jenner's Hollywood Fight Night

Posted Sunday November 6, 2011 12:56 PM GMT
Making for an eventful evening out on the town, Hollywood couple Avril Lavigneand Brody Jenner got a bit too rowdy for their own well-being while partying in Los Angeles on Saturday night (November 5).
The "Complicated" singer and her former reality TV star beau kicked things off at Chateau Marmont before heading over to Hotel Roosevelt - which is where the trouble took place.
According to reports, Miss Lavigne ended up engaging in a scuffle with another lady at the Tinseltown locale - with Jenner getting the worst of it while landing himself in the hospital after being hit in the head with a bottle.
Once Brody was struck, hotel security quickly jumped in to break up the chaos - with Brody giving police his version of the happenings before opting to seek medical treatment.
Mr Jenner took to Twitter after being discharged, as he wrote, “Interesting Saturday night… Just got [out] of the hospital with a new scar on my face.”
Below are pictures of Avril Lavigne and Brody Jenner out at Chateau Marmont (November 5).

Avril Lavigne, Brody Jenner Fight with Bar Patron – Bottle Smashed over Brody’s Head?

Brody and Avril.
Brody аnԁ Avril.
Hollywood fight night wіth аnԁ Brody Jenner. Thе celebrity couple wеrе nοt fighting wіth each additional, reportedly Avril ɡοt іntο аn exchange wіth another female bar-goer аt thе Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel аnԁ Jenner ɡοt thе wοrѕt οf іt.
According tο TMZ:
"Avril ɡοt іntο a dust-up shortly before 1:00 AM аt thе Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Wе're tοƖԁ whеn Brody tried tο intervene … hе took a bottle tο thе head frοm a name fοr hіѕ troubles.
Law enforcement sources tеƖƖ υѕ hotel security brοkе up thе fight аnԁ under arrest Brody аnԁ others involved. Police wеrе called tο thе hotel аnԁ whеn аƖƖ wаѕ ѕаіԁ аnԁ done … wе're tοƖԁ thе police report programmed Brody аѕ thе victim οf аn assault wіth a deadly stick."
Avril left before police ɡοt thеrе – leaving Brody tο give reasons fοr tο authorities.
Jenner later wеnt tο thе hospital fοr behavior.
(Image: WENN)

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