
Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Avril Lavigne Mentioned on "Up All Night"!

Avril Lavigne Mentioned on "Up All Night"!

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Avril was mentioned on last night's episode of "Up All Night" - a new sitcom with Will Arnett, Maya Rudolph, Christina Applegate and Nick Cannon!

In the show, Maya Rudolph plays a hilarious "Oprah" type character named Ava. After sitting down to read an economics book to prove that she's smart, she gets bored, tosses the book aside, and says to her assistant, "Misty, did you delete that evite to Avril Lavigne's boat party?"

Her assistant shakes her head "No" and Ava replies, "Run to the bathroom and splash out your pits cuz we're going!"

If you want to try and watch it, here's the SideReel page Watch Online | Up All Night Episodes - Up All Night ep 4 - via | TV Show | SideReel The mention comes at about 8:30 mins.

Watch Online | Up All Night Episodes - Up All Night ep 4 - via | TV Show | SideReel

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