
Senin, 19 September 2011

Avril Lavigne Loves Fan Tattoos

Avril Lavigne admits it can be ''weird'' to see fans with tattoos in her likeness, but finds their tributes ''incredible''.

Avril Lavigne thinks fans who have tattoos of her likeness are "incredible".
The 'What the Hell' hitmaker - who has several inkings herself - admits it can be "weird" to see the length some people will go to to prove their love for her, but she is flattered by the attention.
She said: "Lots of fans have the same tattoos I've had done, but I have seen portraits of myself. They looked like me. That's the most important thing, isn't it?
"One guy had a black-and-white portrait of my face on his shoulder. Is it weird? Yeah but it's pretty incredible. It makes you think, 'Wow my music has had an impact on their life - someone is really dedicated."
The 26-year-old star also admitted she still enjoys hearing her own music on the radio as it makes her feel "proud".
She told Q magazine: "Whenever a song of mine comes on the radio I don't switch off. Never. It's awesome. Makes me proud.
"Whenever I get to the end of making an album, I take a copy home and play it for my friends and ask them what they think. Of course, they always like it."

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