
Jumat, 23 September 2011


A man tried to kill Avril Lavigne before the concert..
A man tried to kill Avril Lavigne in London! Read More:
People, if rumor is needless to say much more right …
I spoke with a friend who was at Avril’s concert in London 21 days and she said she was going on a rumor that a man (or a group, whatever) was up a kind of crime against Avril … I would not post anything, but I was watching the video of her singing”complicated”the show that day, where she lost her voice, and saw the following comments:
@ Isa27Lavigne: why she cried? : The What Happened? : The
TheFreak885 4 hours ago
Translation: Why was she crying? What happened?
@ TheFreak885 The man she tried to kill before the concert …
nieves1495 3 hours ago
Translation: A man tried to kill her before the show …
Link do vídeo com os comentários, na segunda página tbm tem mais alguns:

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